KPI:Health provides a wide range of ENT and Audiology services, utilising expert ENT specialist consultants to offer both surgical and medical interventions.

Our insourcing services include the one-stop model, which streamlines the patient experience by offering initial consultations, diagnostics, and follow-up care all on the same day.

  • One-stop model
  • Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology
  • Surgical interventions
  • Allergy testing
  • Hearing testing
  • Audiologist led hearing assessment and treatment
  • Audiologist led balance and tinnitus pathways

We give you access to our service dashboard, giving you full visibility of the activities delivered and the ability to amend service volumes, ultimately increasing theatre utilisation and ROI.

Dr Konstantinos Karavidas, Clinical Director of Surgery


Explore our data statistics and discover why you should choose KPI:Health as your strategic insourcing partner.

Total patients treated


Friends & family testing rating good or above


Number of specialities delivered


Our clinical governance framework is designed to consistently uphold and elevate the highest standards of patient care.

We work closely with our clients and partners to monitor patient outcomes and experiences. At the heart of our operations is our dedication to cultivating a culture that embodies the highest standards of integrity, accountability, and patient-focused care. Find out more here.

Dr James Harrison, Medical Director at KPI:Health

Get in touch

Speak to our team to explore bespoke solutions to enhance your healthcare services and efficiency.